Thursday, April 20, 2017

Weight Loss and Starting Over.

Hey guys! Welcome to the new Stepping Out Of Stuck Blog! I figured I would give this side of me its own little space because it makes up such a huge part of what I am.  What I mean by that is, being committed to living a healthy life style is big to me and taking the time to dedicate energy to that part of me is very important.

(Before and after losing 100lbs)

Today I want to talk about weight gain.  Those of you that have been following me for a while know that I started out weighing 280lbs.  That was in 2013.  Since then, I lost a little over 100lbs, went through a separation from my husband, moved out, went vegan and gained a few pounds, found a new love, signed a second year's lease, broke my ankle, gained 20lbs more, and now I'm back to WERK to get this unwanted weight off. 

(185lbs in december 2016 before my broken ankle)

Stepping Out Of Stuck was born because of how I lost my weight originally.  I literally "stepped" my way out of "stuck" by walking.  At the time, I really didn't have much money to pay for all the fads and trends going on, nor did I have money (or the courage) to have weight loss surgery.  I'm not opposed to anything if it works, but I only push what works for me and that's physical activity (for me that was cardio), and eating properly.  

(I literally stepped away the weight!)

Physical activity can be anything, ya know?  Walking, biking, swimming, dancing, are some basic ways to get in some WERK! I started with walking because at 280lbs, that just seemed easier for me and something that I wouldn't want to throw in the towel on after the first day.  A lot of people think that you need to go beast mode off the rip, but that is so far from the truth! Anything that the body isn't use to doing will yield some results.

(a few weeks after breaking my ankle.  I was around 192 by then)

Speaking of anything the body isn't use to doing yielding results, making simple changes to the way you typically eat will do the same.  Again, you don't have to make drastic changes right off.  I've realized that some people just can't handle a complete 180 off the rip.  Try only drinking water first.  Seriously, before changing out your food, try only drinking water for an entire month.  Shoot for at least 64oz to start with your ultimate goal being a gallon.  I guarantee you will notice a difference in yourself.  Once you've become consistent at that, then take away carbs after 3pm.  Tell yourself that anything you eat after 3 will be in the form of a protein and a green veggie.  Or maybe you can switch to no fast food for a month instead.  Or limit your eating out to Saturday and Sunday.  Simple changes to start will lead to big changes later without you feeling overwhelmed and lost.

I mentioned above that I gained 20lbs since January after breaking my ankle and being in a cast and on crutches.  It sucked like hell! I've already beat myself up about it, but now it's time to get back to WERK and for the past 2 weeks that's what I've been doing.  Nothing will work for you, but WERK.  What are you waiting for?  Let's Step out of Stuck together:)

Today I weighed in at 203lbs.  I'm not the least bit worried about that number either.  I know what I'm capable of.  Now its just a matter doing it.  Ladies, we are more than capable of reaching our goals if we just allow ourselves to believe it.  

I'll check back in on here in a week with a smaller number:)